The bag full of old mugs is still sitting snugly near the entrance door; the box of old magazines waiting for their turn to get out of the house – we all live in homes where we constantly struggle to get rid of the clutter, don’t we? It’s common, and also, miserable to see the old stuff over and over again, and then, get used to it sitting there…forever! Try these strategies to get it out of the house before it gets too familiar with the surroundings and make your home an inspiration of interior decoration ideas for others.
- First know what needs to go: we are hoarders by nature and tend to be emotional about our stuff, but it is necessary to get rid of old things once in a while so that there is a place for new and the unused stuff comes of use to someone.
[Image – West Elm]
- Have designated bags and boxes for the going-out stuff: Having a set way of removal of discarded goods starts with having a temporary place for them to be in, before they can be taken out. Also, this systematic keeping of old stuff makes it simpler to give away or recycle.
[Image – Kate Jackson Design]
- Find a place for these bags and boxes to be: Where will you keep this stack of bags and boxes? We all don’t have the luxury of space in our homes, like outhouses or storerooms. Assign a place, which can be as simple as the cupboard under the stairs. Just don’t let the stacks sit anywhere in the line of vision. If that’s how it has to be, then clear out a shelving area or closet.
[Image – Pause Architecture + Interiors]
- Have a purging habit: Have a couple of set timings during the year where you take out the old clothes or other things. Try out clothes that are old or you haven’t worn them in a couple of months. If they are out of shape or don’t fit properly, it is time for them to go.
[Image – Alison Hodgson]
- Have an execution plan: The house runs on teamwork. One must be agile and active in participating in the maintenance of the house as it is not the job of just one person. Make someone responsible for getting all clutter in one place, another one for putting it in the designated bags and boxes and another for moving it out of the house.
[Image – ZeroEnergy Design]
- Start small: Try to tackle one small issue at a time. Trying to clear everything at once would not be feasible or practical if your system is not already in place. Go for one small step at a time- maybe first go for your wardrobe, then the bed box, and then, the whole attic.
[Image – Reuseit]
- Carry a basket at all times: Let it sit next to the door or in your backseat. It makes you think what needs to go out when you step out of the house or car. This idea works for people who move out a lot. The basket is easy to carry as well as very functional.
[Image -Jackson Design & Remodeling]
- Think about having a removal system in place: Why not have a system of regular clutter removal in place? Like the garbage is taken out every day, there could be a weekly or monthly system for taking out the clutter too. This is especially helpful if the house is full of small children or it’s a large family living together.
The clutter if accumulated in the house for a long time kills the positivity and happy aura, and also, gathers a lot of dust. You don’t want that in your abode of happiness, so make it a point to take the unused or redundant items away regularly.