Deciding that it is time to invest in property is a big decision to make and one that you need to be ready for. Don’t take too long however as you would rather spend your precious pennies on paying off a property that is yours and is an asset, than paying rent that goes to someone else’s property bond. It is quite a weight of responsibility owning your own home, paying off a bond and seeing to maintenance needs. But there is one thing about owning your own home that is really awesome and brings a welcome relief to all the burdens and that is that you have free reign over changing things up. But, if you don’t own your own home and still want to personalise your space, there is so much you can do just with accessories and some paint. Here are some tips to styling your home
Hire in the expert help
There is a line between the fun on doing everything yourself, and destroying the experience by slaving away physically painting, tiling, sewing. You need to find the balance that is right both for your personal time and for your budget because the more you do yourself the cheaper it will be. Find a home stylist Sydney has many to choose from to help you formulate the total and overarching picture. They will likely have recommendations of who to use for the other work and you can gather quotes and decide on what you still want to do yourself and what you would rather hire out.
Keep it plain and then add accessories
It could be fun going bold and making things stand out, but you could also consider keeping the colours of the more permanent features plain. The reason why you might want to go this route is that in a few years when you’ve grown tired of the décor and want to freshen things up and make it more modern, you can simply change the accessories. What we mean by accessories are the things that are easily replaceable. Some examples of these are duvet covers, blankets, table cloths, pillows, paintings, kitchen utensils and so on.
Think frugally and splash out occasionally
The cost of redesigning your interior can climb rapidly so it is worth writing down a list of must-haves and then the nice to have. Some of the must-haves need to be quality so that they last, but you can also try keeping the cost of these lows so that you can afford to splash out on the occasional luxury.
Break it down
Decide on which rooms in your house need it the most or, you use them the most, or they are the most-dire and in need of desperate help. Prioritise which rooms you start with and then work your way down the list one room at a time. It might be cost-effective to do everything at once, but it can be both overwhelming and expensive as a once-off lump sum that you might rather spread it out and work on upgrading bit by bit.