HVAC Guides

Selecting a Website Template Design For Your HVAC Company Site

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Have you recently set up an HVAC site? Well, the template design of websites is vital in converting leads and retaining customers. HVAC companies are expected to opt for templates that assist them in capturing leads, boosting brand legitimacy, and increasing online visibility.

In order for a template design to be considered effective, it must be functional, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly. Nowadays, there are numerous digital marketing companies, such as selectonsite.com, providing services solely to HVAC dealers.

The tips below will assist you in choosing the best design.

Consider the header

The header design is the initial thing to take into account when selecting a website template. It’s the first impression visitors get of a particular site, which is why it has to look welcoming. The majority of headers on HVAC sites consist of the logos of companies, along with an appealing image that represents the business.

For instance, the images chosen for HVAC sites should feature HVAC technicians while providing their services in order for visitors to gain insight into the experience of hiring one. Besides images, header designs often include texts to provide context and call-to-action. The description of the company is usually accompanied by either one or two call-to-action buttons, such as to request service, see special offers, call now, contact us, etc.

Select a navigation design

The following aspect to factor in when selecting a website template for your HVAC site is the navigation design. The menu bar is supposed to be easily navigated with the help of legible fonts and plain background color. These bars are usually placed on the left side or at the top of the webpage.

The role of the navigation design is to guide visitors through their shopping journey so as for them to receive the necessary directions. Unless the site provides individuals with a menu that introduces them to the HVAC services without wasting precious time, they won’t be visiting the site once again.

Consider functionality

Apart from looking visually appealing, the site is supposed to be functional. HVAC companies are expected to determine the goals they wish to achieve with the website, such as enabling clients to request services or schedule estimates. In order to opt for the most functional template, companies need to set the right website goals.

For instance, a live chat feature is indispensable for HVAC companies whose goal is to be available for their clients round the clock. Customers can turn to this feature for assistance whenever they have an issue or wish to learn about the services of a particular contractor. See this URL to check out if your site should have a live chat feature. A dysfunctional template design will discourage, not persuade, visitors to become your clients.

Don’t forget the content area

Content is among the most crucial aspects of a website, as it educates visitors about the services provided by companies. It’s usually in the form of text, images, and videos, presented through a blog, photo gallery, or slideshows. Make sure to choose a content section that represents your services in the best possible manner.

Many companies decide to include a couple of content areas in the hope of making their websites more attractive. Nevertheless, the incorporation of many content sections is only likely to overwhelm users, not impress them. The template design you choose should include a limited number of well-chosen photographs, short descriptions, and a few call-to-action buttons.

Use mobile design

Mobile design is of absolute importance when selecting a website template for your HVAC site. The largest part of visitors accesses these websites through their smartphones, which is why a mobile layout is a must. The mobile-friendly version of your webpage is supposed to feature the exact brand style of the desktop version.

Nevertheless, due to the smaller screen size, the headlines have to be shorter and the content easy to navigate. When a visitor visits your website for the first time, he/she should have access to the menu and call-to-action buttons, see the logo, and skim through the content.

Final thoughts

Web design is vital for increasing online presence.

Your HVAC company deserves the best template!

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