We can all agree on how unpleasant it is to find any kinds of bugs in your home, or anywhere, really. You see them somewhere outside and you are immediately unsettled. Imagine how much worse it gets when they are invading your personal space.
When you encounter this problem, chances are you will try to solve it on your own, with the help of some products found at supermarkets or similar places. Let me give you a piece of advice. Don’t lose your time and money on this, it won’t work.
Plus, it is much easier and safer to contact a professional. Each time you say: “Let me just try this before hiring an expert”, you are only making the problem worse. I suppose you are by now familiar with all the damage that termites, cockroaches, rats, and such, can do both to your property and your health. So, don’t risk making it even worse. Learn more.
The good thing is, though, that a skilled expert will be able to properly deal with this issue. This means that you won’t have to worry afterwards whether the job was well done or you are still in danger of all the negative effects caused by these creatures.
Today, our focus is on one of the most popular pest control methods on the market. Naturally, when you decide to hire someone, you want them to offer you the best possible solution. The best possible solution is not to have a single cockroach, or some other annoyance, in your house. And that’s what fumigation can achieve.
What Is Fumigation?
This is a pest control method that consists of filling an area with fumigants. It is also called “gassing”, so don’t get confused if you stumble upon that term. In essence, this means that all the pests inside that specific area are poisoned.
Since this involves some special pesticides, I need to emphasize once again that you cannot do it yourself. Instead, when you need fumigation services, you should contract a certified professional. They are trained how to calculate the exact amount of sulfuryl fluoride necessary during this procedure.

How Is The Procedure Performed?
This is a very carefully conducted procedure, which holds safety at highest regard. Before beginning to fumigate your house, experts will cover it with a tent. That tent is made of vinyl-coated tarps and serves to confine the fumigant inside the infected area.
After carefully restricting the area, it’s time to start dispersing the fumigant. That gas fills your whole home, including small and hard to reach spaces. That means that no pests will be able to hide in wood cracks or similar places. In few words, this is a nightmare for termites.
Throughout the whole process, the team that is working on removing these nuisances from your home will measure the level of gas in the area. They use the dosage monitoring device in order to be sure that the right amount of fumigant is dispersed, which is of outmost significance for a successful procedure. If you can remember, I mentioned that they calculate the dosage in advance.
When the whole procedure is finished, the tent is removed from your home and the gas starts to leave. The whole process is usually done in around 24 hours. However, depending on the temperature, the size of your home and the gravity of the situation, it can take up to 72 hours.
It is important to add that, a couple of hours after everything is finished, the pest expert will have to perform an air quality test in your home using a clearance device. This is necessary in order to determine whether it is safe for you to re-enter the area. After they decide that everything is how it should be, you can enjoy your home without the irritating tenants you previously had.
When Is It Necessary?
This might seem to you like the last measure, but the truth is that it is really common and widely applied. In fact, even with all the other possible methods, fumigation is often found to be the only effective one. That goes to show that it is absolutely necessary in certain cases.
First of all, some pests might be inaccessible in a different way. Termites, some beetles and similar bugs often live deep within the walls and other places in your house which you simply cannot reach with any tool. What’s more, you might not even know that these pests exist. And fumigation will get rid of them. Additionally, there is a much worse situation than not knowing you have termites. I am talking about the situation in which all your food supplies are infected and contaminated by pests. In this case, experts can use chemicals that are not dangerous for food sources. That way, safety is once more ensured.