Biasol Design Studio revived a discarded prison into a lively ambience, known as the Jury Café, using timber and geometric patterns in...
SND Fashion Store, designed by 3GATTI is an innovative avant-garde retail store in Chongging Financial Centre in China.
The Kollaskolan School by Kjellgren Kaminski Architecture is highly recognised for its intense energy conserving means and spatial articulation in Sweden.
Bio-Architecture Formosona designed the Miaoli Metro Station, in Taiwan in an innovative and creative approach using local folk art motifs.
Give your ceiling a splash of colour and add an interesting point in your room by these bold hues on your ceiling.
Now your guests can be treated to extreme comfort and that too in a stylish option with these mattresses, sofa beds, and...
Designed by GRUPODEARQUITECTURA, the ESCALA83 Apartment in Argentina is relatively smaller, and yet it encompasses spaces creatively.
Architect Ivan Andres Quizhpe restores a traditional Loma house into a contemporary home, nestled in the fields of San Joaquin in Ecuador.
Designed by Isabel Herrera, the Bakery of Pozoamargo in Spain is a vernacular-styled structure that is truly rural and simplistic in nature.
Designed by Hooba Groups, the Espriss Café located in Tehran is a multi-faceted bistro bar with terracotta bricks and state-of-the-art ventilation systems.