If you have a kitchen island, it is most likely that you will require pendant lights to ensure ample lighting, and this is a good option to decorate the kitchen well. Designing the house with pendant lights, is always fun because the options are more than many. Here are some easy kitchen decorating ideas for the kitchen island in particular.
[Image – Cablik Enterprises]
- Cluster of light bulbs: The old style hand blown bulb is one of the best choices for the kitchen island, provided you are using them in a cluster. Hung with thin metal wires, they look perfect in the floating style and can be good when you don’t have any other option in budget.
[Image – Richard Bubnowski Design LLC]
- Film production lights: Well, those large lights on a film’s set that are used for lighting can be apt for the design purpose, as well. You might have to struggle a little hard in finding them, but they are evergreen style statements. While the silver polished style is quite good, you can also look for painted options like black.
[Image – ZeroEnergy Design]
- King-size pendant lights: There are some extra-large pendant lights that you can find in almost all interior and lighting stores, and having one is enough for the kitchen island. This is quite a cute style to have for the given kitchen. These large pendant lights can be expensive but they create attention instantly, and you can be done with one.
[Image – Henrybuilt]
- Armed lights: Lights that are mounted from adjacent walls over the kitchen island are quite appealing and attractive. These are more in the style of reading lamps and can be a great choice when the ceiling is too high or there is no provision for pendant lights.
- Colored pendant lights: One of the good choices for the kitchen interior design ideas is colored lights in the pendant style. Depending on the size of the island you have, you can choose a series or just have two or three in quick succession. Colored pendant lights work in more ways than one because they can add color to a neutral kitchen and at the same time can be matched with the existing theme. The colors can be often in the Moroccan style or even in more bright shades in the Arabian style.
[Image – picpics]
- Domed style lights: From the old school, the dome-styled lights are quite a good option for the kitchen island. You can choose the silver theme, which is banal but evergreen and classic, or other painted options. These lights are just not meant for style but can be equally good for the sake of illumination.
[Image – MuseInteriors]
- Clear glass pendant lights: Bulbs that come with clear glass lampshades are quite good and have a good subtle romantic theme to them. Looking more like an air bubble with a light inside, these is best when hung from a higher height. You can have a more than two or three at the same time for a soft and classy appeal.
[Image – Andrea Schumacher Interiors]
- Chandeliers: If you have the money to spend, chandeliers are best choices for any kitchen island. There are large dramatic options that are more like the ones used in the past, while small and soft options in lights are equally good. You can even choose to get the lighting adjusted with a simple regulator.
What are you choosing for the kitchen? Find your fix and change the dimensions of your home for the fresh year.