Are you hunting for a trustworthy locksmith? These professionals are experts in lock installation, maintenance, and repair, as well as your escape out of an emergency lockout situation.
Locksmiths have to be licensed, qualified, experienced, and skilled to perform a wide range of locksmithing services. They must be willing to provide clients with estimates and a list of references.
If you’re looking for a top locksmith service in Chicago, the following tips might be of assistance.
See credentials
The primary step to take when hiring an emergency locksmith in Chicago is requesting to see his/her credentials. Although not all US states require these workers to be licensed, Illinois obliges them to be licensed and bonded. Chicago locksmiths have to obtain a license from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation by meeting the necessary requirements.
For instance, these professionals have to be at least eighteen years of age, pass an authorized theory and practice exam, and pay the required fees. Even if the one you wish to hire has a license, you should check whether the license is valid. This document has to be renewed every three years.
In addition, the professional you are about to hire should have no criminal background and be professionally certified. Make sure to look for an ALOA (Associated Locksmiths of America) certification, which proves he/she has the required skills and expertise.
See the range of services
After checking the credentials of candidates, the next step involves analyzing their range of services. The expert you hire should perform the types of services you need. Some emergency locksmiths work solely on residential properties, whereas others on commercial. Anyhow, most of them offer installation, replacement, and repair of locks. Click here for a useful guide on installing new door locks.
Apart from these services, the largest part of emergency Chicago locksmiths makes duplicate keys, replaces key fobs and electronic access cards, installs high-security locks, fixes keyless and biometric systems, etc. Naturally, professionals offering emergency services respond to calls whenever individuals are locked out of their homes or their locks are broken.
Request an estimate
In order not to get surprised by the cost of the services, residents of Chicago are recommended to request an estimate. Homeowners planning to replace all locks in their homes should unquestionably receive an estimate stating the price they will pay for the services. Make sure to request a quote from all candidates for the purpose of comparing prices.

Moreover, some locksmiths offer membership programs to customers, which offer discounts to the most loyal clients. In case you are entitled to a discount, the estimate is supposed to reflect this fact. Always ask for a written copy, which you can use as proof in the event of being charged a higher cost.
Check their tools
Another factor to consider throughout the hiring process is the equipment of locksmiths. These workers must be armed with plenty of tools in order to be able to work on both old and modern doors. They should have bench tools such as pliers, lock picks, drill bits, cutters, key extractors, letterbox tools, plug spinners, key cutting machines, tension tools, safety glasses, and gloves, etc. This link,, explains eleven different types of pliers and their uses.
Nevertheless, lock picking tools are of the utmost importance for servicing locks. They include a curtain pick, hook pick, half-diamond pick, a rake pick, decoder pick, and others. Having the appropriate set of tools is necessary for servicing not just vehicles but also residential and commercial locks.
Pay close attention to the documents
Once the chosen locksmith arrives in your house/apartment in Chicago, he/she will probably ask you to provide an ID and fill out a form of authorization. There is no reason to be alarmed, as this behavior is typical for a trustworthy professional. The authorization form you’ll be requested to fill out will most likely oblige you to provide your name, ID number, phone number, address, required services, and signature.
Final word
An emergency locksmith will make sure you are provided with assistance 24/7, at the weekend, and on holidays. You’ll never need to worry about getting locked out of your house/apartment!