Father Ted is a British made Sitcom- clipping from situational comedy. It was produced by Hat Trick Productions (a British independent production...
The stunning seaside appeal of the Bellarine Peninsula House has been uniquely done by Inarc Architects in Barwon Heads, Australia.
The Building No. 8, originally a bunker used for military purposes, was re-designed by Skälsö Arkitekter as a summer house for a...
: Architecture firm Bernardes Jacobsen designed the palatial Guaruja vacation home in the densely vegetated Brazilian forest realm to render a tropical...
A unique design approach by Studio Standard on the hillside of Los Angeles compliments the surrounding nature with its Tree Standard House.
The Jaffa House at Tel Aviv by Pitsou Kedem resonates the heritage values of ancient Jaffa in a minimalist style bridging tradition...
High end roof top bar, El Fabuloso, is designed by MEMA Arquitectos in Bogota, Columbia in an undulated weave pattern using wood.
Certain furnishing techniques can make your present home look Victorian and give a timeless look that has been created over the years.
Get rid of all the distractions from your family room and make it more about the family and less about gadgets.