HVAC Guides
Furnace and AC Repair Houston TX – Troubleshooting Your HVAC Ventilation Issues

Have you noticed some airflow issues recently? Ventilation problems in HVAC systems are usually manifested with hot and cold spots, pressure imbalance, stuffy air, low airflow, etc. These are generally caused by blocked condenser units, clogged filters, dirty coils, and duct issues.
Fortunately, AC technicians are proficient at determining the core of the problem. There is a multitude of heating and cooling companies like https://www.bigtexascomfort.com, offering furnace and air-conditioning services.
Make sure you hire such professionals when experiencing the following HVAC problems.
Blocked condenser unit
One of the most frequent HVAC ventilation issues is what’s known as an obstructed condensing unit, usually placed outdoors. The buildup of debris and leaves in close proximity to the unit causes an obstruction of the airflow.
Whenever such obstruction occurs, the HVAC system is susceptible to overheating. In the event of overheating, the condensing unit experiences a drop in power, which might eventually result in system failure. Nevertheless, professional repairmen are capable of restoring the condensing unit back to its previous function. These technicians remove the accumulated debris both outside and inside the AC to stimulate airflow.
Clogged filters
Another common HVAC problem that requires troubleshooting is clogged filters. AC filters are supposed to be regularly cleaned and replaced in order to perform their function. The filters of air conditioners are in charge of preventing debris and dust from affecting the condition of the ducts. The moment these become overloaded, the air is impeded from flowing freely.
Moreover, the longer AC filters are left unattended, the higher the risk of experiencing hot and cold spots. In such scenarios, there isn’t sufficient airflow in all rooms in the house. Consequently, one of the rooms might be much colder or hotter in comparison with the others. Additionally, clogged filters tend to make air stuffy, which in turn influences mental health. Read here about how a stuffy room can affect your brainpower.

AC technicians are experts in replacing clogged filters in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer. First of all, these professionals locate the filters and assess their condition by inspecting their color. Filters whose color is brownish should be removed, whereas those looking whitish can be used a bit longer. In case the filter requires changing, a new one has to be installed.
Furthermore, the arrow pattern on the filter is supposed to be positioned in the right direction to ensure optimal airflow. When handling the replacement by themselves, most individuals make the mistake of facing the filter towards them instead of being pointed towards the wall. Anyhow, AC technicians would never point it in the wrong direction.
Duct problems
Duct problems are incredibly common when it comes to HVAC systems, particularly in the case of narrow ducts. These are more susceptible to getting clogged by dust accumulation because of their small capacity. Such issues are mostly present in old buildings where birds and rodents are known for building nests inside ducts.
Additionally, it’s common for ductwork walls to show signs of air leakage. Due to the development of cracks and holes, the air is capable of leaking out. These leakages are detrimental as far as airflow is concerned, reducing the heating and cooling capacity of HVAC units.
When suspecting a ductwork issue, homeowners are advised to report the problem to HVAC professionals. These technicians will inspect the ductwork for potential leaks and blockage. In the event of blocked ducts, they’ll clean the ductwork to restore airflow. Conversely, when it comes to air leaks, they’ll try to patch up the holes to prevent leakage.
Dirty condenser coils
The condenser coils of air conditioners are an indispensable element when it comes to releasing heat. Given their outdoor location, it’s no wonder coils get dirty from the exposure to weather elements. The accumulation of dirt can prevent the coils from performing their basic function. Once these parts stop releasing heat, the unit will start using more energy to compensate for its cooling inability. The only way to prevent coils from getting filthy is by hiring professionals to clean them twice annually.
Upon noticing even the slightest problem, don’t hesitate to hire HVAC professionals!