It has been a little over a year since the entire world completely shut down due to a pandemic. Although far from the first one in human history, it certainly was one that changes our lives irreparably. And its effects are only going to be shown in the future.
The last pandemic of this magnitude that gripped the globe was the so-called Spanish Flu nearly a century ago. While no less devastating than the current one, it was primarily erased from collective memory. Whether that was because it was overshadowed by a much more tragic event like World War I, or if people did not want to be reminded of the loss and grief that came with it, we will never know. Whatever the reason, it left a lasting impact on humanity, as did many before it.
Indeed, for much of our existence, humankind has been fighting battles against a bitter enemy more powerful than ourselves – nature. Sure, there have been plenty of recorded natural disasters and the devastation they caused, but true horror came from the most insidious source – disease.
Fighting the disease, the old ways
Before advancing science and technology, humans were largely left to their own devices to fight illnesses. Without microscopes or diagnostic tests, medicine was mainly experimental guesswork which they hoped would work.
That is how we ended up with things such as the four humors theory and medical leeches. In fact, it was not until the end of the 19th century that doctors and surgeons started washing their hands before medical procedures. Learn more about this controversial advice on the following link:
However, that is not to imply that the medical professionals of yore were completely clueless when it came to healing their patients. After all, if they were so incompetent, would we still be here? Of course not!
As a matter of fact, you would be surprised how many old-fashioned practices we have utilized when dealing with this pandemic that our ancestors invented centuries ago! We guess it is true what they say: if it is not broken, do not fix it!
The ghost of past diseases

Although masks might seem bothersome for some and trendy clothing accessories for others, they are far from a new thing in the pandemic couture. Back in 1918, during the Spanish Flu, citizens of many countries were also required to wear face coverings to prevent the spread of this deadly airborne disease. And if they did not, they could be fined for putting public health at risk!
Moreover, the concept of lockdown is also relatively old. During the Elizabethan era in the 17th century, The Bard himself was forced to go into self-isolation to help stop the circulation of the bubonic plague. It is rumored that William Shakespeare wrote some of his most notable works while being stuck at home because the famous Globe Theater he worked at was closed.
Indeed, authorities at that time might not have had the medical knowledge we have now, but they could see that large gatherings increased the number of sick people, prompting them to cancel all of them. In fact, during the ten most prolific years of Shakespeare’s career, the Globe was closed for an astounding six of them! You can find out more about this subject on this page.
Lastly, quarantine might be one of the oldest medical practices that exist. Ever since the dawn of time, humans have isolated their sick from their health to avoid contamination. This was especially true when it came to the very young and the very old. They did not need medical education to see the effect illness had on babies and elders and their very fragile immune systems.
That is why in the middle ages, ships arriving into the port of Venice had to stay there for 40 days without any of their crews disembarking, as not to infect the people of the city with whatever diseases they might carry. Similarly, many countries now require incoming travelers to isolate themselves for ten to fourteen days to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
Thorough cleaning and disinfecting with modern technology

Unfortunately, we have resorted to using the same true and tried methods our ancestors did to avoid disease. However, there is some good news! Unlike them, we have the gift of modern technology and medicine to help speed up the fight against viruses and their eradication.
As we have seen, there has been unprecedented progress in developing vaccines against the coronavirus in these past 12 months. Something that usually took decades has been done in less than a year, and we can thank technology for that.
Furthermore, our cleaning supplies have also increased in quality and strength to match the devastating effects of diseases. While we could rely only on soap and water in the past, now we have a wide range of chemical products to use for maximum protection. Additionally, companies like Dependable Restoration are providing professional services to all who might need them. It is because of this that hospitals nowadays are such safe places to be.
Finally, the crowning jewel of modern medicine certainly has to be the antibiotic. These compounds have saved countless lives since they were invented, and if it were not for them, we probably would not have been able to make it this far. Due to the genius invention of antibiotics, we have overcome whooping cough, diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, and more.
A brief conclusion
To sum up, this pandemic has been brutal on all of us, but despite its challenges, there is safety to be found in the knowledge that we have weathered this before. Namely, humanity has always been resourceful and able to persevere, and that is what is happening once again.
Nonetheless, aside from the developed vaccines and medicines, face masks, and quarantine, these always go with a thorough cleaning and disinfecting of your home. The precaution always starts within the four sides of your house so as not to spread the disease to your community. On the other hand, businesses should also be responsible to do this at their establishments.
It may seem as if the battle is unwinnable and there is no hope or light at the end of the tunnel, but keep in mind, cleanliness plus carefulness will help humanity in fighting whatever pandemic or epidemic nature may bring.