People are often so overwhelmed with managing the external and aesthetic aspects of their home remodeling projects, that they forget about what is behind those walls, supplying electricity everywhere on demand. It can turn out to be a costly mistake though because that fancy kitchen or that lavish living room won’t mean much if there’s a lack of safe and stable electric supply in the house. The real question is, however, should you try to do it on your own and shave off a major expense?
What is Electrical Remodeling?
An electrical remodeling or rewiring could refer to a total overhaul of the electrical circuitry running throughout the house and connecting the building to the main power source.
The work would be necessary if an old house has ancient wiring that violates the city’s current electrical codes. A rewiring will also be necessary if you are remodeling any particular room in your home and even more so when the entire house is being renovated.
The wiring must be changed and rerouted to match the new architectural developments and modifications, therefore, the electrician will likely need to work in sync with your general contractor. That once again leads us to the question, do you really need to pay the electrician, or is it a job you can handle on your own?
Do You Have the Knowledge and the Experience?
We are guessing that unless you have some experience with household electrical wiring or an electrical engineering degree, you would not be considering this in the first place! Provided that assumption is true, the next question would be, do you also have the necessary practical experience?
Just because you know how things work, it doesn’t automatically mean you have the experiential knowledge to actually put it to use.
As misaligned and poorly installed electrical wiring can lead to fires and fatal shocks, don’t experiment with the safety of your own self and that of your family. Call an OKC electrician if you are in Oklahoma and let a company with 25+ years of professional experience handle it. However, it’s not a bad idea to stay with the electricians when they start working on the rewiring, to gain some practical experience.
Planning a House Remodeling Project with the Electrician in the Loop
If it’s a big project and the remodeling you have planned will change some basic aspects of the house’s architecture, it is important that your electrician is kept in the loop, or even better, everyone is brought in together to work as a team. If the electrician is involved in the planning phase itself, it might just save you a lot of extra expenses.
Minor electrical work is something that every homeowner should be able to handle on their own, so there’s no question about the fact that you should learn and practice the basics of electrical maintenance. However, rewiring is too big a project for a homeowner to take on, unless they are a professional in the field. Even then, it would prove to be a Herculean task without additional hands to help you.