Home Improvement

Common Window Problems That Tell You Might Need A Window Replacement

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Have you inspected your windows recently? Wood-framed or aluminum windows may have problems that you may not notice easily. If your building is aged twenty years old and above and it still has its original window sets, then they are due for a change. But if your building is not old, there are different ways to know when you might need a replacement window.

Windows that are well-designed play several important roles in a home. They help to increase energy efficiency, enhance the curb appeal, and increase the level of sunlight that penetrates the building. Whereas damaged windows pose security issues and jeopardize your overall comfort.

Hence, it is important to find out whether they need replacement. You can click to learn more about the best replacement windows.

Telltale Signs That Your Home Needs New Windows

Below are some common problems that indicate you need a new window.

1. They Do Not Open Easily

Difficulty in opening windows is a very common problem that has several causes. For sliding, single hung, and double-hung types, it is usually caused by the accumulation of dust and dirt. They cause friction each time you attempt to open the windows.

While you may think that a simple dusting and spraying of lubricant will fix it, the issue may be more than just dust and dirt. The springs in the jambs could be damaged. You can adjust it, but it is quite a difficult task. Additionally, your window sash may have warped, expanded, or bowed making it difficult to fit into the opening.

If yours are casement windows, they bring up different issues entirely. The first step you may want to take if they do not open or close with ease is to try to disassemble the sash. Look out for loose springs, screws, and bolts; tight them and observe if they will function properly.

If they do not, it means the problem is the hand crank. The simple solution would be to replace the crank. However, as soon as you notice that your windows no longer open or close with ease, you may consider getting a replacement.

2. They Are Fogging

fogging windows

Double panes that are energy efficient usually experience fogging in winter. This is caused by either a seal failure or condensation. They appear to be similar, but you have to treat them differently.

Seal failure happens when moisture accumulates between the triple or double glass panes. You will notice this when you cannot wipe off the moisture from your window. This indicates that the seal placed between the glass panes is broken.

As a result, the gas within the structure is leaking, and your double-glazed glass is no longer as efficient as it should be. Now, if this is the exact problem you are facing, you need to replace the windows.

Condensation, on the other hand, is not much of a problem. It shows that the windows are functioning properly. It happens when the warm air inside your building meets with the cold air outside on your window’s surface.

Condensation may not be harmful, but if you do not take care, it could result in big issues like seal failure. You can wipe down the moisture and reduce the humidity level in your property to prevent further buildup of moisture.

You may want to check https://www.ecohome.net/guides/…what-causes-foggy-wet-windows-and-how-to-stop-it/ to read about window condensation.

3. They Let Draft into Your Home

Your windows are expected to increase energy efficiency in your building. But if you notice drafts, it means they are doing the opposite. They are allowing the weather outside into your building. This will rob you of your comfort as well as your wallet.

As soon as drafts get into a building, it will become difficult for the air conditioner or furnace to attain the desired temperature. And this will be a battle that you will keep losing while your home remains at an uncomfortable and inconsistent temperature.

Additionally, the stress on the air conditioner and furnace will increase your electricity and heating bills. This is due to the fact that they will need more energy to overpower the draft.

You may wonder why your windows are drafty. Well, it could happen for different reasons. First, they may not be energy efficient. Second, if they are triple or double-paned, the seal may have failed. Lastly, they may have warped or bowed around the frame and sash.

4. They Are Rotting and Warping

Rotting and warping are common in wood windows. As the wood continues to absorb moisture, expansion and contraction will take place leading to an irreparable bend in the structure. The different forms of warping to look out for are:

  • Twist – a distortion that makes the window appear uneven.
  • Cup – it lowers or raises the edge in the form of a cup.
  • Kink – it creates a knot on one side.
  • Crook – it warps around the edges.
  • Bow – it warps around the window’s length.

Rotting is also terribly bad for your health and your windows. It happens when absorbed moisture stays too long leading to deterioration. It will form a fungus and gradually, parts of the window will appear chopped and disfigured.

If you do not treat rotting and warping, you may face serious problems. Also, whenever moisture and water are involved, you are bound to experience mold infestation. Molds form in places with high humidity and water leakage.

Additionally, moisture does not only create mold but termites, gnats, and flies, too. These bugs prefer damp and dark places like wood. While flies and gnats are just pests that you can take care of, termite infestation is on a different level.

They can devour the window because they consume wood. And the hard part is that you will experience difficulty in exterminating them, so you need to find a quick solution, which could involve replacing the windows entirely.


Windows keep your home safe while enhancing its beauty. Therefore, it is important to inspect them regularly to ensure that they are in good condition. And as soon as you notice any of the problems we discussed, it might be time to get a replacement.

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