Securing your home should be your utmost priority. Rates of theft and burglary are rising to unprecedented levels throughout North America. It is fundamentally important for your safety, your family’s, and your homes, that you secure your home and look after your belongings. There are a number of great ways that you can secure your home, and in this article, we are going to tell you about 9 of them. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will be able to secure your home confidently.
Here are 9 ways to secure your new home.
1. Security Doors
The entry points to your place need to be robust. This makes sure intruders can make access to the house with ease. Nowadays, this has been taken to another level through smart door locks. This advanced technology allows you to use codes for the door-opening. It comes at a time when people hire part-time babysitters and dog walkers often. Only the people you give the secret codes can gain access to the property.
While at work, you hardly worry about the scheduled cleaning service providers you invite. Give them a code and they are good to go. Also comes with intelligence features that detect movements around the door and signal you. Depending on the activity, you can program for a certain security response to your main alarm.
2. Invest in Security Systems
Technology is continuously working towards improving people’s lives. The same applies to the aspect of security whereby modern systems are being used. Buying CCTV surveillance cameras and installing them at strategic points can work best for you. They capture the different movements at home. When you are not around, you can know what was happening through the video footage recorded.
Fitting some door chimes at the doors is necessary. They give notice to you when visitors to your place. The choice you make on the doors and windows carries a lot of weight as well. Find dealers offering robust products which are hard to break into. Go for the ones coming with security screens. Check the different designs at the stores for better decision-making. Are all doors guaranteed with a 24-month parts and labour warranty? This is a good question to ask yourself as you do the choosing. Focus on the after-sales services they offer.
3. Beware of the Dog!
It is a well-known fact that dogs are a great anti-burglary tactic. You can buy trained guard dogs specifically bred to prevent burglars from gaining access to your home and stealing from you. Dogs are a great addition to any home, not only for their anti-theft advantages but because in this cold, isolated world we are all living in at the moment, they can provide much-needed companionship and friendship in the face of the pandemic. Plus, if you invest in a dog, you can put up those cool beware of the dog signs. Great, right? However, with all of that said, dogs are not necessarily going to be permitted in some apartment buildings, but burglaries are often less frequent in apartment buildings. If you do want a dog, check with your foreman beforehand.
4. Floodlights
This is something exclusive to houses, unfortunately. Movement-activated floodlights are another great addition to a home that is conscious of the ever-present threat of theft or burglary. These lights will activate, as you have surely guessed, as soon as any movement is made on your property. The sudden light is often enough to scare away any potential intruders – combined with cameras and a dog, this is a sure-fire remedy to potential burglaries and a fantastic way to deter any criminals from attempting to break into your home. Floodlights are easily installed and often very cheap, so you do not need to worry about cost or installation.
5. Firearm
Scarcely would I advocate for firearms unless it was for a good reason? Self-defence, security, and your family’s safety, in my opinion, are good reasons and justification. That said, if you are reading this internationally and the country in which you reside does not permit the ownership of firearms, then in no way should you purchase, deal with, or have anything to do with firearms. Firearms are good for their intended purpose – defence and protection. In most loft buildings and apartment blocks, you are permitted to hold firearms, providing that they are stored safely and correctly. You must be very careful when handling firearms and must adhere strictly to the rules and regulations your governmental body has set in place to mandate and manage the use of firearms.

6. Security Locks and Keypads
If you are particularly concerned about the threat of home invasion, then you might want to turn your home into a veritable Fort Knox. You can do this quite simply in our fast-paced 21st-century world – simply invest in smart door keypads and security locks. These will be, however, incredibly expensive and are frankly unaffordable to the average person. If you are not the average person though, then by all means invest in these, and we are certain that it will deter theft, simply by virtue of the impossibility of breaking into your home. In an apartment building, you may need approval from the building’s foreman to install intensive security measures on your door, but that said, it is not necessarily out of the realm of possibility.
7. Alarms
Having an alarm is an absolute necessity, whether you are concerned with your home’s security or not. An alarm can keep your home safe and can prevent anybody from being able to successfully burgle your house – your alarm will start going off which will alert neighbours and the police, and in turn, likely scare the criminals away from your home and keep your home intact. If they do get away with anything, it will not likely be much. Alarms are a very useful tool to prevent people from successfully burgling your home, and the great thing is that they can be installed in all types of homes, from bungalows, apartments, caravans, and houses.
8. Hire a Homesitter
If you have to go away for a period of time, the best idea is to hire a homesitter. Home sitters are a good deterrent to thefts and burglaries and will keep your home safe from theft. Be sure to only hire somebody that you know, however, and never hire a stranger or someone you are unfamiliar with unless they come highly recommended.
9. Leave the Lights On…
While this is not necessarily an addition you can make to your home’s security, it is something to consider. A burglar is less likely to burgle a home where the lights are on and they think that somebody is at home. If you leave the lights on in your home, even in your absence, burglars may be less likely to even attempt gaining access to your property, unless they are particularly brazen. At the moment, burglaries are unlikely anyway as we are all working from home. Leave the lights turned on and you should, hopefully, be able to deter any criminals or thieves. Leave those lights turned on – unless you’re worried about energy bills!
Thanks for reading the page everybody. Home security should be a top priority for you, we agree. If you like this page, then please leave a comment down below in the comments section. And again, as always, thanks for joining us!