Who doesn’t want to save money? The idea that DIY home repairs and remodeling efforts can save homeowners tons of money is perhaps one of the leading reasons why so many people get in over their heads, quite literally! If you have any doubts as to just what you can or should do without being specifically trained or having the proper credentials, here is some of what you should know. These are 3 very important reasons why some home repairs should NOT be DIY endeavors.
1. The Dangers of Working with Hazardous Materials
Have you ever driven by a worksite where workers were dressed in hazmat suits? The reason for that is quite clear. There are some materials in homes and commercial buildings which have been found to be a real danger to your health. One thing which many people aren’t aware of is the fact that although the government banned the use of asbestos, it isn’t really banned altogether.
Even a quick read through the article titled, “Why Is Asbestos Still Used” should explain the importance of hiring only contractors who have been specially trained and certified in working with hazardous materials like asbestos. Never attempt to remove asbestos on your own and also learn what materials still contain ‘allowable’ percentages of this toxic substance.
2. The Necessity of Meeting Government Regulations
Next on the list would be government regulations. Certain jobs must be conducted by licensed professionals, or at the very least, signed off by one. Electrical wiring is one of those types of jobs. While you may have the know-how to wire a new circuit into your breaker box, regulations may require you to hire a licensed electrician to do the work or to inspect it and sign off on the job.
If you doubt just how important this is, try filing a claim with your insurance company if that wiring wasn’t up to government specs and duly inspected. Likewise, let a county inspector stop by the job in progress only to find there is no electrician on the job. The fine you are slapped with just negated any savings you might have counted on!
3. One Mistake Could Land You in the Hospital – Or Worse!
Then there are home repairs like missing tiles on the roof which are quite dangerous, to say the least. Do you have the proper safety gear to help prevent falls and can you withstand the high temperatures up there on the roof? One little mistake could land you in the hospital, or worse, and this is why OSHA requires roofers to be in compliance with the safety guidelines they have put into place.
Some home repairs are just as safe as they are easy, and those you could easily do on a DIY basis. However, there are good reasons why you are advised never to attempt something beyond your level of expertise and also outside the confines of the law. Those laws have been enacted for a reason and it isn’t to grow the county coffers. Don’t try to save money at the expense of your health and safety. That would be the most foolish thing you could do.